Jumping rope isn’t just for kids anymore.

Time: 45 minutes – 1 hour

Type of Workout: Cardio, abs

Sh*t You Need: Jump rope, 1 heavier weight, bench or chair

Intensity: High

Body Target: Abs

Perks: Incorporates both cardio and strength 

The Workout:

Warm up: 2 mins jump rope

Complete 3 rounds of the following exercises:
- 20 weighted* 
- 1 min jump rope
- 40 
- 1 min jump rope
- 20 
- 1 min jump rope
- 40 weighted* 
- 1 min jump rope
- 40 
- 1 min jump rope
- 20 
- 1 min jump rope
- 20 
- 1 min jump rope

Finish with this final burn out:
- 100 jump rope skips
- 20 weighted straight leg jack knives
- 50 jump rope skips
- 20 weighted sit ups
- 100 jump rope skips
- 100 ab bikes
- 15 weighted side leans

Workout contributed by Taylor Glinane (Fairleigh Dickinson University). Check out her  for more. 

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