Fit University on Campus

Are you always dragging your friends to the gym?

Do you take way too many pictures of your avocado toast?

Think you have what it takes to be the go-to person for all things health & fitness on your campus? You’re in the right place! Join Fit University on campus as a Fit University Ambassador. Here all the roles available.

Leadership Team

The Leadership Team leads your Fit University chapter on your campus. Each member of the Leadership Team is responsible for showing up to weekly team meetings and each Fit U weekly meet up. They work together as one unit to create the best #fitufam on campus possible. Available positions below!

Community Manager

The Community Manager (CM) is the head honcho… the top dog… the Commander-in-Chief. The CM acts as an off-shoot of Fit University HQ and reports directly to the team in Boston. He or she leads the front and puts together a strategy for the fittest semester of the century. Responsibilities include: 

  • Monthly  chat with HQ to recap/check-in 
  • Monthly 1-hour call with all CM’s and HQ to share experiences 
  • Puts together semester strategy and plan of how to delegate, track, and report
  • Apply here!

Assistant Community Manager

The Assistant Community Manager (ACM) is the CM’s trustee sidekick. He or she helps the CM develop that semester strategy and makes sure that everyone on the Leadership Team is well…getting their sh*t done, for a lack of a better term. Responsibilities include:

  • Assists CM in putting together semester strategy
  • Responsible for staying on top of delegated tasks
  • Identifies inconsistencies and opportunities for improvement across chapter
  • Co-manages email communication with Marketer 
  • Apply here!

Events Coordinator

The Events Coordinator (EC) does just that…coordinates events. Meaning, he or she gets to figure out what workouts will be hosted, which speakers from your community to bring in, which healthy restaurant to go to for the most optimal Instagram post. Responsibilities include:
  • Manages scheduling and logistics of weekly meetings/workouts
  • Works with speaker or leadership to make sure weekly meetings go as planned
  • Apply here!


The Marketer (M) is responsible for spreading the word about your Fit University chapter on campus. He or she is a social [media] butterfly. The M develops and executes fun and engaging marketing campaigns both online and on campus.

  • Manages and executes on all promotional activities
  • Manages social channels
  • Co-manages email communication with ACM
  • Apply here!

Non-Leadership Positions

Non-leadership positions allow students to get involved with Fit University in other ways that are A) less committed, and B) may better fit their interests. 

Social Squad

Social Squad Ambassadors are social media connoisseurs. They promote Fit University on their own social media channels, showing other students how they live a fit & healthy lifestyle.

Editorial Team

Editorial Team Ambassadors create the amazing content you find right here on this website. They write workouts, create recipes, give tips and share their own personal fitness stories on a bi-weekly basis. 

  • Contribute 2 articles per month to Fit University
  • Apply here!