What You Need To Know Before Starting College

The transition from high shcool into college isn't always easy. Here's what you should know before you start freshman year. For the past year, you’ve been a high school senior. You recognize almost everyone in...

The Argument Against Brunch

  If I ever have to go to brunch, (yes, have to, it’s never my first choice) I eat a full breakfast a few hours beforehand. People don’t like to eat brunch until 11 or 12, and by that point on a Satu...

Your BBG questions, answered.

First of all, what is BBG, and who is Kayla?  Kayla Itsines is a personal trainer from Australia who created the Bikini Body Guide and the Sweat With Kayla app. BBG first started ...

Help! I Went Abroad And My Skin Freaked Out…

To whoever is having this problem right now: trust me, I know what you're going through! Everyone has different skin experiences, of course, so my causes and remedies may not be the same as what your skin ne...

On Herds of People

Over 200 people (including me & my family) almost made the news headlines a few weeks ago. "American Airlines Flight to Puerto Rico Crashes Due to Failed Engine," is what it would've read. Probably somethin...

Healthy Habits for College Life

Here at Fit University, we disprove the idea that you can't stay fit in college. In fact, every single day, our community of fit & healthy students show the world that you can absolutely stay fit in college...